About TCC

About Third Culture Child 



Inspired by her multicultural background, during which she learned about life while living in Morroco, New York, Dubai and Riyadh where she is currently based. She has been sharing her eccentric and whimsical creations with the outside world since 2020. Thus, the Third Culture Child was born with the hopes of bringing back the joy and playfulness of everyday clothing.


The third culture child wedges In the space between her motherland and her promised land.

The third culture child meets you somewhere in the middle, wondrous, free-spirited and colorfully quilted. 


She crafts each piece by hand and starts with natural textiles as a base and uses low impact synthetic and natural dyes. Creating patterns by Intricately folding and arranging the fabric. Using the circle as a visual representation of final wholeness and harmony with no beginning nor end. You’re left with a colorful selection of fluid life material, dyed by your friend and artisan. 

Third Culture Child.